Thursday, December 23, 2010

New Planters

For my father's funeral we came away with some beautiful plants. Plant One (on the left) from the School of Social Work at Wayne State, where I work, and Plant Two (on the right) from the Schell family. As you can tell the plants are gorgeous but they were also very quickly outgrowing their pots. So, Fred and I went in search of some new pots. I thought with it being off season, we might find some on clearance- I really didn't want to spend a whole lot of money doing this.

We ended up finding the planters above at Home Depot for $.01. Yup, that's right- $.01!!! Well they were not the right color for our dining room, so we bought too cans of accent spray paint for stone in a dark brown texture- and for only $8 a can we could live with that. We spray painted the planters, added some more potting soil and viola! New larger homes for the plants for only $16.02. Not too shabby!


Andrea said...

they look beautiful!

Lori Z said...

Love it! And for a penny, ya can't go wrong.