Thursday, July 23, 2009


After over six months of waiting...and waiting...and waiting- I finally found out that...
I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been wanting this job for so long, and I knew it would utilize my skills and be a really good fit for me. The job is at Wayne State University, and I love the academia world- always have. I used to tell hubby and my parents, "If I could just get paid to go to school..."
Well now I will be!!!!

My new title will be : Manager of Research Support
I will basically be handling all the research projects and work that comes through the research center; delegating tasks to students, organizing support for the school and participating in research tasks.

I am absolutely ecstatic. Even more ecstatic because they offered me more money than I was expecting and the benefits are out of this world.
Finally, after all of the hard work, graduate school and health hardships I've had- it has paid off.


Andrea said...

SOO HAPPY!!! Congrats,you have worked so hard and you so deserve this!!

Rachel A said...

that is so awesome Rachel!! you totally deserve it! good job!!

Lori Z said...

I'm so happy for you! You totally deserve it!

Jill T said...