Monday, March 9, 2009

Movie Review 5: Watchmen

Ok, first of all- this is a review by someone who has never read the book, didn't know what to expect and didn't know one ounce about the story. For a review from a comic book reader visit this review.
I generally like comic book based movies and have watched Iron Man several times and the recent Hulk movie twice. This one didn't do anything for me though. I found the story to be a bit depressing, and frankly weird. There was little in the characters to connect to and although I did want to know the ending of the story, I honestly didn't care much about what happened to the characters. While visually the movie was well done with "300" type affects, some elements were simply disturbing and distracting. Like the 30 foot blue penis they kept showing and the gratuitous sex scenes that did nothing to add to the story but to display another gratuitous sex scene. I am the last person to complain about this sort of thing but I found many of the scenes to be used for shock value rather than adding in any way to the story. Finally, it was entirely too graphic to be tasteful and way too long. If you are an avid comic fan than go, you'll feel like you have to.... but if not save this for a rental.
Two and half out of five stars


Andrea said...

How funny ,we both reviewed this movie :)

Lori Z said...

I must be living under a rock because everyone is talking about this movie and I seriously don't even remember seeing previews for

Rachel L said...

Mom- this is my 5th review- I try to review all movies I see : )

ThoughtsON said...

We were suppose to see this movie last weekend, but it didn't happen. I'm glad. LoL