Thursday, March 26, 2009


...great to play, not so great to live in. So as I posted previously, there is soon to be a job opening at work that I have been coveting. This job will allow me to use everything I've learned in school, make some very important connections in the academia-research field and allow me to work in the environment I love, the university setting. Not to mention I will be working with some of the smartest people I have ever met! Problem is I have no idea when they're even starting the interview process!!!
I am just incredibly stressed about it all! Bills are rolling in, medical and otherwise, and in May another large bill (student loans) will be added to the pile. My problem is I have put my job search efforts on slow-down because of the good things I am hearing about them wanting me for the job, yet nothing has actually been offered. I will be in an extremely bad situation, if come the end of summer I don't get this position and am, once again, behind on applying elsewhere.
I don't really want another job, I want this one. Even if another paid more, I would still want this one. I've always been the one that would rather love what I do than get paid tons doing something I hate...because in the end, when you die...the money never matters.
But, bills still need to get paid.
I just hope they start the process soon, as the weeks go by I am becoming more and more anxious...people tell me to calm down and relax about it...but that's easy to say when you have a job. I know I'm doing better than a lot of people out there and I am grateful for that...
Its just hard to have something dangled in front of you that you want so bad for months....


Andrea said...

very hard..I would be stressed also. Is there anyone you can talk to that will give you at least a time table on when they will start interviewing? I think it would be fair to ask that question in this job climate.

Rachel L said...

yeah, I keep hearing "soon" now their definition of "soon" may be different from mine...